SKU: 1052331

Latexballoons – Mint Green 13 cm

Latex balloons are what many call a regular balloon. These are environmentally friendly and made of 100% natural rubber. Our latex balloons are made in Italy, Turkey and Spain. They obviously meet all the market’s requirements for safety and the environment. In addition to the CE marking being important, there is a logistical advantage to having the suppliers in Europe. We have weekly pallet shipments from our factories. It secures the flow of goods and at the same time we replenish with fresh balloons that do not have to stay long in our warehouse. Good or not?

As the market for balloons has developed, so has the need for new colors and models. We are constantly replenishing with news, all to meet our customers’ needs. Latex balloons have become very popular and are today one of our best selling products.

Latex balloons can be filled with air or helium. What you use depends on whether you want them to fly or not. A normal-sized latex balloon, approx. 30 cm, lasts 12–16 hours when filled with helium. If you use air, they last for weeks.

If you want to extend the flight time when helium is used, you can treat them with a product called Hi-Float. It is a kind of silicone compound that seals and gives 4-5 times longer flight time. Simplified, you add a click of Hi-Float before filling the balloon with helium. It is then distributed by rubbing the balloon. If you are careful with this and the closure, the balloon will fly for up to a week.

Click the link to read more. Hi-Float

When latex balloons are exposed to air, they oxidize and become dull. A completely natural process. If you want to enhance the shine and make the balloon retain it, there is a product called Hi-Shine. It’s a spray that keeps your latex balloons shiny for weeks. No post-treatment is needed. Just spray and the agent distributes over the balloon.

Larger latex balloons, around 80 cm, stay flying for 3-4 days without Hi-Float.

For advertising purposes, latex balloons are very popular. You can get your own prints without incurring the cost and they are easy to hand out at various events. Then they are often filled with air and put on a stick. Simple and effective exposure. If you want to participate in fairs or the like, a giant balloon could be the answer. They give a powerful impression that is well visible from a distance.

kr 43,00kr 132,00

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